Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More good news on housing that may add steam to our economy. This is also good news for equities. Market declines such as we are experiencing may be good  buying opportunities. Let the VIX start coming down before commiting funds.

In addition to the increase in the Case-Shiller Index, the real estate website Zillow sees improved home prices.

Zillow economist, Stan Humphries, says that year-over-year prices rose 0.2% last spring. This was the first annual increase since 2007. He expects a 1.1% increase next year.

The Zillow Home Value Index measures 156 markets - or 3/4 of all US homes. Case-Shiller measures property values in ten major US cities. For more detail on the construction of these indices, see the Zillow website. http://www.zillow.com/wikipages/Zillow-Home-Value-Index-vs-FHFA-and-Case-Shiller/

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